Wednesday, August 13, 2008

An Evening at the Ice Rink

One of the totally sweet prizes we scored from the library's summer reading program this year was free passes to the ice rink. The Badger and I took the boys and we went with some friends. There were five little kids who either had never skated before or had only been once, so there was a lot of slipping and falling and clinging to the sides.

We spent a lot of time coaching the boys on how to keep their feet pointed forward and glide, not walk.

Cynthia was also there. I tried to arrange a time to do this when she could be at the rink too and I was so pleased that it all worked out. It was so fun to watch her spin and twirl on the ice and then swoop over and grab one of the kids and take them for a ride. She was fabulous.

By the end of the evening even my little Fish was venturing away from the wall and out across the ice. It was amazing how fast these kids picked up the ability to ice skate. It was absolutely awesome to watch. We had such a fun evening.

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