Friday, September 26, 2008


As I toured the various homes in old Nauvoo, I found myself trying to imagine actually living in them. What kind of daily routines did people have? How do you get into the groove of cooking in a kitchen that consists of a fireplace and a small table?

I know most people think that life back then was way too hard and they could never live without their modern conveniences, but we've also lost some things over the years.

Like hand-crafted wooden furniture that was affordable, durable, and gorgeous:

And pure wholesome foods that weren't full of strange chemicals:

And the coziness of a hearth to gather around in every home:

And the familiarity with the satisfaction that comes from not wasting things (even little fabric scraps), making things you need yourself, and developing the skills, patience, and diligence to make them beautifully and in a way that will last:

I honestly think I could be happy living old Nauvoo style.

But maybe that's just because I've never used a chamber pot.

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Dr. Croc said...

Yes, but you've never caught your skirts on fire cooking over one of those cozy hearths (#2 cause of death for frontier women, after death in childbirth, as I'm sure the nice sister missionaries must have mentioned at some point in the tour.)
I for one will stick with central heating, rather than worry about my kids falling into the fire, and I'm grateful for running water and not worrying about my kids falling down the well.
There were lots of reasons child mortality was so high, none of them pleasant.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the different variations you can do with log cabin blocks. The one pictured is barn raising, I think (it's been a while since I've been quilt-minded).

Birrd said...

Okay, Croc, maybe I should say that I would be happy living old Nauvoo style if I could take the knowledge I have from modern life along with me. If I had that I could figure out ways to avoid a lot of the problems they had. Like I could rig straps to keep the baby in the high chair.