Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Making Friends

Since moving here to the prairie, we've been blessed with some absolutely wonderful friends. One of these is the Shmoo Family. I don't know what I would do without the Shmoos. Whenever I'm having a hard day I call up the Shmoo residence and they say "Come on over, we're grilling steak!" The Shmoos are forever feeding us, just like the Shmoos in the Lil' Abner comic strip (however, the resemblence ends there!)

One thing that has been fun to watch is the development of the friendship between Bean and the oldest of the four Shmoo girls. She is six months older than Bean, but they both love Narnia and swimming and Calvin and Hobbes.

These two can often be found curled up next to each other on the couch or huddled up in the same towel at the swimming pool. I even saw them holding hands as they were playing by the pool yesterday. Since neither of them have seen much by the way of explicit male/female relations on TV it's a totally innocent young love (though we are keeping a very close eye on them!)

Less soft and sweet is the emerging bond between Roo and the Vorpal Creature. Their friendship could be summed up as follows: Hysterical Giggles and Destruction.

Meanwhile, the Rabbit is trying very hard to develop a close relationship with my silly socks.

It's good to have friends.
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