Friday, May 30, 2008

Our Idea of a Fun Morning

Bean and Fish were routed out of bed at 7:15 this morning by their mother. "Come on, boys, we're going to go pick strawberries!" she said.

"Woo hoo!" they replied.

Strawberry picking is something of a tradition in our family. It's great fun for kids because:

1. The plants aren't poky
2. The berries make the coolest noise when you pull them off the plant: "snick!"
3. The berries are easy to see and easy to pick and they pile up quickly

And best of all,

You can EAT as many as you want while you're picking!

It is my opinion that strawberry fields are some of the pleasantest places on earth.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OHHHH I can't wait for strawberry season here so I can take my kiddos too!