Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

The Badger was out of town for Halloween this year (odd, since the Badger is almost never out of town with this job, but probably good because the Badger does not really like Halloween). Trying to get four kids and me ready for Halloween was crazy, but we pulled it off with a little help from some friends. I ended up at the church Trunk or Treat without my camera, so if it wasn't for Facebook I wouldn't have any costume photos of my kids.

Or me.

I was a tree.

I ended up buying costumes for the boys online. I tried to find a good balance between economy and quality, but quality got compromised. I could have made much nicer, more durable costumes for a lot less. I just didn't have time this year. However, the boys were thrilled with their costumes and that's the most important thing.

Julie lent me this daisy costume for the Rabbit (who, as a side note, spouted tooth #4 on Halloween day).

And Roo wore the Bee costume that Aunt Pineapple sent us, which ended up being identical to the Bee costume that was worn by Roo's best friend, the Vorpal Creature. Those two little bees wouldn't hold still for a minute, so no pictures were taken of them at the Trunk or Treat for me to kife off Facebook. However, I did take some pictures of them earlier in the day, so when I can find the cord to my camera....
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jbstanford said...

We were going to go doorknocking Halloween night, but we ran out of time. At one of our member's flats, when we arrived though, they told us that we could 'take off those hideous masks' now :-P

The Hills said...

Looking good...

How is it that you always seem to misplace that cord of yours? I always seem to have about 4 of them lying around. Too bad you're not here anymore or I would lend you one of mine.